learn to draw today

Learn to Draw a Suitcases in 6 Steps


Learn to draw a set of antique suitcase in 6 steps

Personally like to keep all of my travel tickets and notes in one notebook and slowly that notebook has gotten bigger and bigger and is full of a bunch of fun memories. To decorate the front of my notebook I decided to draw a set of suitcases. These antique style suitcases are super cute and are really easy to draw. Here is the 6 step for you to draw and use to decorate something of your own! read on

Learn To Draw a Mix Tape in 6 Steps


Learn to draw a cute mix tape in just 6 steps…

Personally I am really sad by the fact that I grew up in the time of mix CDs’ instead of mix tapes. I thin mix tapes are a lot more personal very cute. I already made this guy a sticker and put him on my notebook. There are a lot of cool things to do with it though. Especially now a days where the mix tape has a more classic theme. read on
